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Business English lesson 2 : Choosing an office

Beginner level / CECR : A2/B1

1st Part

2nd Part

3rd Part

4th Part

5th Part

6th Part

Lesson 2:
Choosing an office

  • Objectives : learn how to choose an office. Improve your communication in a professional context and your business skills.
  • Level : A2/B1
  • Public : for people who want to communicate in a business environment
  • Total duration : 1 hour (approximately 10 minutes for each part)

1️⃣ Start by watching the video

Tom Sutherland is a web designer. He designs websites for companies. At the moment, he works at home.
Location 1: 
James: Hi, there. It’s James. 
Tom: Thank you…
My business is quite big now. I have a lot of different clients and I can’t do the work alone any more. I have to start employing some staff, so, I need an office for me and my staff.
Tom has two locations to visit today. The first location is here, an office in the centre of town.
James: …and there are shared facilities, so there’s a kitchen there, for example and we’re here 35.
In these offices, there are desks, and chairs and phones, but the offices are quite small.
Tom: It’s very modern …uh and it’s small, but it has everything I need at the moment, two rooms, an office and a meeting room and all the furniture. I don’t know… it’s not very attractive and it is near a main road, so, there’s a lot of noise. There are lots of other offices here too, so, you have to share the kitchen and the toilets, but the location is very good: the station is nearby, so, it’s good for staff getting to work and for clients or visitors, but there’s no parking.
Location 2
The second location is a barn conversion in the countryside five kilometres away from the centre of town.
Tom: Oh! Wahoo! The barn conversion is very large, but there’s no furniture or phone. I’s very nice. It has a lot of character, very quiet, a good place to be creative. The facilities are good, a kitchen and toilets. There isn’t any public transport here, but there’s a car park outside, but there’s no furniture, so, that would add to the cost.
James: What you can do is you can turn that in a storage space.
Tom: I don’t know if it has an Internet connection. That’s not difficult, though.
I need to go and think about this before I make a decision. 
I like both the offices. I think the barn conversion is beautiful and I think the office in the centre of town is very convenient.
I don’t know……

Need some help ?

Tom Sutherland is a web designer. He designs websites for companies. At the moment, he works at home.Tom Sutherland est web designer. Il conçoit des sites pour des entreprises. En ce moment, il travaille chez lui.
Location 1: 
James: Hi, there. It’s James.
Lieu n°1:
James : Bonjour, c’est James.
Tom: Thank you…

My business is quite big now. I have a lot of different clients and I can’t do the work alone any more. I have to start employing some staff, so, I need an office for me and my staff.
Tom : Merci… 

Mon affaire est devenue assez importante maintenant. J’ai beaucoup de clients différents et je ne peux plus travailler tout seul. Il faut que je commence à recruter du personnel, donc j’ai besoin d’un bureau pour moi et mes collaborateurs.
Tom has two locations to visit today. The first location is here, an office in the centre of town.Tom doit visiter deux sites aujourd’hui. Le premier se situe ici, c’est un bureau au centre-ville.
James: …and there are shared facilities, so there’s a kitchen there, for example and we’re here 35.James : …et il y a des équipements partagés, par exemple il y a une cuisine là. Nous sommes au numéro 35 ici.
In these offices, there are desks, and chairs and phones, but the offices are quite small.Dans ces bureaux, il y a des bureaux, des chaises, des téléphones mais les bureaux sont assez petits.
Tom: It’s very modern …uh and it’s small, but it has everything I need at the moment, two rooms, an office and a meeting room and all the furniture. I don’t know… it’s not very attractive and it is near a main road, so, there’s a lot of noise. There are lots of other offices here too, so, you have to share the kitchen and the toilets, but the location is very good: the station is nearby, so, it’s good for staff getting to work and for clients or visitors, but there’s no parking. Tom : C’est très moderne…euh…et c’est petit, mais il y a tout ce dont j’ai besoin en ce moment, deux pièces, un bureau, une salle de réunion et tout l’ameublement. Je ne sais pas…ce n‘est pas très attractif et c’est près d’une artère principale donc, il y a beaucoup de bruit. Aussi, Il y a beaucoup d’autres bureaux sur le site, donc on doit partager la cuisine et les sanitaires mais c’est un très bon emplacement : la gare est tout près, donc le personnel peut facilement venir travailler et c’est bien aussi pour les clients et les visiteurs, mais il n’y a pas de quoi se garer.
Location 2:
The second location is a barn conversion in the countryside five kilometres away from the centre of town.
Lieu n°2
Le second site est une grange aménagée dans la campagne à 5 kilomètres du centre-ville.
Tom: Oh! Wahoo! The barn conversion is very large, but there’s no furniture or phone. I’s very nice. It has a lot of character, very quiet, a good place to be creative. The facilities are good, a kitchen and toilets. There isn’t any public transport here, but there’s a car park outside, but there’s no furniture, so, that would add to the cost.Tom : Oh, Waou ! La grange est très grande mais il n’y a pas de meubles, ni de téléphone. C’est très sympa. Ça a beaucoup de caractère, c’est très calme, c’est un endroit propice à la création. Les équipements sont bien, une cuisine, des sanitaires. Il n’y a aucun moyen de transport public mais il y a un parking dehors, mais il n’y a aucun meuble donc ce sont des frais supplémentaires.
James: What you can do is you can turn that in a storage space.James: ce que vous pouvez faire c’est le transformer en entrepôt. 
Tom: I don’t know if it has an Internet connection. That’s not difficult, though.
I need to go and think about this before I make a decision. 
Tom : Je ne sais pas s’il y a une connexion Internet. Ce n’est pas difficile, ceci dit.
J’ai besoin d’y réfléchir avant de prendre une décision.

2️⃣ Learn new words:

all the workers employed un an organization/company  considered as a group
(Traduction : le personnel)

Synonyms :
workers, personnel

a set of rooms or a building where people work.
(Traduction : le lieu où l’on travaille : le bureau)

Office space: espace de bureau / les bureaux.

Synonyms :

to require something or somebody because they are essential or very important
(Traduction: avoir besoin de)

to require/  to want / to call for

the position of something
(Traduction : emplacement, lieu)


buildings, services, equipments etc…that are provided for a certain purpose (sports- leisure facilities) 
(Traduction: installations/ equipements / infrastructure)

Synonyms :
amenities, services

suitable, appropriate, fitting

useful, easy or quick to do.
(Traduction : pratique)

objects that are put into a house, an office to make it suitable for living or working
(Traduction: meubles; mobilier)

*Mot au singulier en anglais: the furniture is modern : les meubles sont modernes.  A piece of furniture : un meuble.

Synonyms :
household goods, furnishings, fittings

the largest or most important of its kind
(Traduction : principal)

Synonyms :
key, central, chief, major

the adaptation of a farm barn into a building serving a different use, such as a house or commercial premises
(Traduction : une grange aménagée)

the amount of money that you need to buy, make or do something.(Traduction : le coût)

Synonyms :
price, expenses

some:  quelque(s) 
too : aussi 
quite : assez/ plutôt
near/ nearby …: tout près / à côté
a lot of / lots of : beaucoup
outside: dehors / en dehors de …
before: avant 
before: avant

3️⃣ Read, listen and repeat the following sentences:

I need an office for me and my staff.

Traduction : J’ai besoin d’un bureau pour moi et pour mon personnel.

There are a lot of other offices here too.

Traduction : Il y a aussi beaucoup d’autres bureaux sur le site.

That would add to the cost.

Traduction : Cela rajouterait au coût. Ce seraient des frais supplémentaires.

I need to think about it.

Traduction : J’ai besoin de réfléchir. Il faut que j’y réfléchisse.

4️⃣ Write new words

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