Quantifiers : “Each” and “Every”

1st Part
Countable VS Uncountable

2nd Part
“Each” and “Every”

3rd Part
“Some” and “Any”

Grammar in use

  • Topic : “Each” and “Every”
  • Skills : Grammar


Non-native English speakers often hesitate between “each” and “every”, because they have similarities.
They are both used with singular countable nouns. Therefore they are both followed by a verb in the singular. But often they are not exactly the same.

Differences between “each” and “every”

We use “each” when we consider things separately, one by one.

Try each dessert and let me know the one you like best. (try the desserts one by one)

We use “every” when we consider things as a group. We can replace it by “all”.

I wish I could try every dessert in the menu. (try all the desserts)

Compare the use of ‘each’ and ‘every’. Can we use ‘each’ and ‘every’ in these situations?

SituationsCan we use “each”?Can we use “every”?
Talking about 2 thingsHe carries a bag in each hand.X
Talking about frequencyXI play tennis every Sunday.
Using it at the end of a
They cost $2 each.X
Using it alone, without a nounThe candidates were smart. Each had an interesting profile.X
Using it with “one” and “of”I spoke to each of them. I read each one.
I want one of each kind.
I saw every one of them. = I saw every one.

Language Tip: “everyone” vs “every one”

There is a difference between “everyone” and “every one”:

everyone = for people only, means all the people (everybody)
every one = for people or things, is similar to ‘each one’

Everyone was on time. (= Everybody was on time.)
He buys a lot of magazines and reads every one. (= every magazine)

The words “everybody” and “everyone” are followed by a verb in the singular, but the words referring to them are plural.

 is there, aren’t they?
Everyone has their own idea about that. (= Everyone has his or her own idea about that).

It is possible to use them together: “each and every” is used to insist.

Sarah speaks to her mother each and every day.

Answer the following questions